Imperial examination was favor of the stable social and political environment appearing, and provided the necessary condition for the feudal agricultural natural economy development. 科举考试有利于安定的社会、政治环境的形成,为封建农业型自然经济的发展创设了必要条件。
There a self-sufficient natural economy prevailed. This is a ubiquitous germ that lives in nature and can be found in the soil or water. 那里存在一种自给自足的自然经济。这是一种在自然界普遍存在的微生物,甚至在土壤和水源中都可以存在。
A self-sufficient natural economy predominated. 自给自足的自然经济占主要地位。
But strange coincidence regarded as the "natural economy" Pollini west people that Cook describe in the works of the captain go on bater trade. 而在一下研究波利尼西的有关章节中,我们将看到他们的经济法律制度与“自然经济”有很大的出入。
Disintegration of Chinese natural economy 中国自然经济的解体
This paper holds that it is a result of natural economy, a social system for the Buyi people and a means of maintaining community or clan cohesive force. 本文认为,这种生活样式是自然经济的派生物,是布依族的一种社会制度,是维系社区、群内聚力的纽带。
In the17th century, the Chinese southeast coastal region took the lead in a structural transformation for transitioning into commodity economy from a traditional self-sufficient natural economy to the one with overseas-orientation. 摘要17世纪,中国东南沿海率先展开了由传统自给自足自然经济向以海洋经济为导向的商品经济过渡的结构性转型。
Natural economy of agriculture is the economic basis in China feudal societies. The main cultural characteristics in Chinese ancient societies are centralization of state power as well as politics and ethics standard. 农业自然经济是中国封建社会的经济基础,中央集权统治和政治&伦理本位是中国古代社会的主要文化特征。
The small farmer mentality, based on natural economy and patriarchal society, increasingly hinders the development of modernization. 建立在自然经济和宗法社会基础上的小农意识,日益阻碍着中国现代化的纵深发展。
Rural merchants relied on the commodity economy to speed up the disintegration of the natural economy and the birth of the new production relationship. 农村商人以农民的商品经济为依托,加速了自然经济的瓦解和新生产关系的产生。
Before modern, the society of Guangxi was that a natural economy took the society ruling position. 近代以前,广西社会是一个自然经济占统治地位的社会。
The development of export and import after Wuhu was opened had effect on the prosperity of Wuhu business, the disintegration of natural economy, the development of commercial economy, the generation of industry and mining. 本文认为芜湖开埠后进出口贸易的发展,客观上对芜湖商业的繁荣,皖江自然经济的分解、城乡商品经济的发展和近代资本主义工矿业的产生起到了促进作用。
There is a lot of generality in natural economy conditions and national conditions in China and India, but the cybereconomy of the two countries is quite different in the development. 中国与印度两国在自然经济条件和国情方面有许多共性,但两国的网络经济发展却不尽相同。
Natural economy and planned economy can't bring about constitutionalism. 自然经济和计划经济不可能产生宪政。
Commercial law existed in the form of rule of custom or autonomy before disorganization of feudal natural economy. 在封建自然经济解体之前,商法只能以习惯法、商人自治法的形式存在。
Law of essence rationality in east is affected by natural economy, system of agnation-bureaucracy and ethic of Confucianism. 而东方的法律以实质合理性为特征,它是在小农经济、家产制官僚体制以及儒教伦理等因素的共同作用下形成的。
In accordance with the anthropological views, the human kind went through the crude economy and the natural economy era, the industrial era which took machines for the power and after-industrial era of knowledge economy. 依据人类学观点,人类社会经历了手工生产的天然经济和自然经济时代,和以机器为动力的工业经济时代,以及后工业经济时代。
Based on natural economy, traditional family culture is the representation of the Chinese traditional feudal ideology in family. 传统家庭文化是建立在自然经济基础上的、以儒家伦理为指导思想的中国传统封建意识形态在家庭文化中的表现。
In the long traditional society of China, social morality was hindered to a certain extent by natural economy, dictatorial system, family system, and cultural style leaded by the Confucianism. 我国传统社会极为漫长,其自然经济、专制统治、家族制度和以儒家文化为主导的文化样态在一定程度上阻碍了现代社会公德的生长发育。
According to different economic development in different areas and geographical conditions of natural economy, rural industrialization can construct the industrialization pattern of natural resources, the industrialization pattern of technology and the industrialization pattern of processing. 农村工业化依据不同区域的经济发展状况和自然经济地理条件,可以构建资源型工业化模式、技术型工业化模式和加工型工业化模式。
Feudal society economy in China was agriculture-based natural economy. 我国封建社会的经济是以农业为基础的自然经济,重农思想对封建农业影响深远。
Steel and iron industry is the basic industry for natural economy and necessary guarantee for industrialization and town planning. 钢铁工业是是国民经济的基础产业,是我国实现工业化、城市化的必要保证。
The transformation from traditional natural economy to modern market economy is the root cause of morals institutionalized. 社会的变迁,经济结构由传统自然经济向现代市场经济的转化是道德制度化生成的根本原因。
As China has entered a critical period of economic development and social reform, the countryside has also been experiencing a transition from semi-rural community to a full open one, from a natural economy to a market economy. 目前我国已经进入经济社会快速发展和改革的关键时期,农村社会正处于从半开放转向全面开放,从自然经济向市场经济的社会变迁和社会转型时期。
With the rise of the fur trade, the natural economy in farming and pastoral areas of Qinghai had gradually been impacted. 皮毛贸易的兴起,青海农牧区自然经济逐步受到了一定的冲击。
Since the inertia of historical development, forming the natural economy of China during part of the traditional moral system to perform its function of social norms, but showed more suited to the market economy and even hinder the development of market economy and the deepening of bondage. 由于历史发展的惯性,成形于自然经济时期的中国传统道德体系部分地发挥其社会规范功能,但更多地表现为与市场经济的不适应甚至对市场经济深化发展的阻碍与束缚。
The dialectical unity of human development and social economy has witnessed significant transition from natural economy to market economy. 人的发展与经济社会发展具有辩证统一性。从自然经济到市场经济,人的发展出现了重大的转折。
Chinese traditional society is a society of agriculture, in the individual small-scale peasant agrarian natural economy condition. 中国传统社会是一种农业社会,处于个体小农耕种为主的自然经济状态。
Under the influence of capitalism, the natural economy had trended to disintegration in Henan. 在外国资本主义的影响下,河南的自然经济初步解体。
Transportation is a pioneer of market economy, it can break through natural economy fetters, and enhance the rate of commodity and the space of the market. 交通运输是市场经济的开路先锋,能冲破自然经济束缚、提高商品率和市场的空间范围。